Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics: Pagan and Technopagan
I have been coveting the Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Unknown Pleasures Lip Tars since they came out a few months ago. There are 6 lip tars and 6 nail lacquers in Unknown Pleasures and I was lucky...
View ArticleObsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Black Box Set
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics is a brand you need to get to know if you haven’t already. The brand is cemented as one of my faves because of the variety and pigmentation of their Lip Tars. However,...
View ArticleOCC Lip Tar Tip: Use A Bigger Brush
I love Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tars and if you love them like I do then you also know using a tiny lip brush to spread it around can be a pain. That’s where this tip comes in. Now this...
View ArticleMy Beauty Destination Wish List
Living in Middle America can be a pain. Sure, a dollar goes a bit further and people move a bit slower. However, for a makeup hoarder, like myself, all the cool stuff is a few hours drive or a plane...
View ArticleWhat Trend Are You Afraid To Try? #BuryMeMondays
It’s still Monday where I am so I didn’t want to let it slip away without asking you is there any trend that you’re afraid to try? As companies like Jeffree Star, LA Splash, and Anastasia Beverly...
View ArticleRevlon Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor – HD Love
Matte liquid lips. The trend that never ends and Revlon has jumped into the fray with their Ultra HD Matte Lipcolor. I was excited when this hit because I love when drugstore brands give people a way...
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